Do Golf Carts Have to Obey Traffic Signs?

Golf carts definitely need to follow the rules of the road! They are considered vehicles, just like cars, trucks, and SUV’s. Any golf cart that heads out on the road needs to obey all traffic signs and signals.

Failure to follow traffic signs or signals can result in citations or fines.

The next time you're taking your golf cart out on the road, make sure to be aware of traffic signs and their meanings. Obeying traffic laws doesn't just prevent fines or keep you from potentially losing your license, it also helps to keep you and your family safe.

Do golf carts have to use turn signals?

The short answer to this question is yes! While you probably won't get a ticket for making a turn without using turn or hand signals, it is still considered state law to do so.

However, using the proper signals before and during turns will help minimize the risk of an accident by alerting the drivers of larger vehicles to your presence.

Hand signals are also a way to properly signal your intentions.


Do golf carts have to follow the speed limit?

South Carolina laws stipulate that golf cart drivers are only allowed on secondary roads with a posted speed limit of 35 MPH or less.

While you're not going to break any speed records in a golf cart, the minimum speed limit is still important to follow. It can be dangerous if you're going significantly slower than posted speed limit.

The one exception to this rule is if you're crossing a street with a posted speed limit above 35 MPH.

Golf cart drivers are allowed to cross with traffic while being extra cautious and realize that your golf cart will take extra time to cross.

Is it okay to drink and drive on a golf cart?

Absolutely not. While you might be tempted and think it's ok because golf carts move so much slower than a typical street vehicle, it is against the law and dangerous for you and the people around you to drive a golf cart under the influence.

If you get caught driving a golf cart under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances, you can be charged in the exact same manner someone driving a regular vehicle would be.

The rules of the road are there for a reason and it's important regardless of the vehicle you're driving to follow them.